Friday, January 14, 2011

F³A: A few thank yous.

Yes, I'm back with the Friday Free For All in which I get to do whatever the hell I want.

I have a few friends that have encouraged me to pick up an old (not real old, but still) piece of writing and work on it.  I just want to thank them for always supporting me in my writing and in life.  You know who you are.

That's all.

Random iPod song: Undone (The Sweater Song) by Weezer
Movie of the week: The Social Network going to watch it this weekend
Book of the week:  Julia Karr's XVI, a dystopian YA, it's getting rave reviews.  Check it out.


  1. I think you should name me by name. and throw confetti.

    yes, i know you've done this before, but I never get tired of it.

    Go, Gae!!! YAY!!!!

    (er, were you talking about me?)

    *slinks out of comment thread*

  2. I was trying to be subtle and not leave anyone out,, but of course you are one of them.

    YAY GAE *waves pom poms and does cheerleader kicks to screaming crowd all there to honor Gae*

  3. of course, i was only kidding. Although I do love to watch you shake your pompoms. ;)

  4. Love your blog; so arty!

    The Social Network was a good laugh. Oh, and always keep those people who encourage you by your side, and encourage them in return. :)

  5. Thanks Dawn, that is really good advice.


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