Monday, January 24, 2011

Tooting the Horn Tuesday

The ABNA contest has started.  If you've completed a 50,000 + novel you should check it out.

My friend R.A. Nelson's vampire novel, Throat comes out today!!

My friend Tami is vlogging at Lyrical Lip Service.  She read my poem, Sand, in yesterday's video.

Caron Guillo, who I tooted about a couple weeks ago, celebrated with a book release party last weekend.

Amy Holder, Class of 2k11-er and author of The Lipstick Laws gets a 5 star review.

Bill Loehfelm, the winner of the first ABNA has his 3rd novel ready for pre-order.  He's a great writer with a knack for character development (among other things)

And Thing 2, my beautiful Rachel becomes a teenager today.  Happy birthday love. 

Oh yeah, and I mentioned I'm going to The Sundance film festival.  :P

Congrats to all. Lots of cool stuff happening.

Peace out.



  1. Megan, you have SO much to look forward to this coming year (and beginning of 2012!!)

    Hope you have a wonderful time at Sundance (take lots of fricken pictures!!).

    Happiest of birthdays to Rachel! (now you're IN for it, Megan. haha!)

  2. I was already in for it. LOL.

    Thanks Tracy. Hope you're right.

  3. What a great bunch of stuff! I hope your daughter has a great birthday--this is your first teen, yes? Oi! Though with girls the teen stuff starts when they get to middle school, so hopefully no huge changes for a while yet.--my younger was born in 1998, too... and he's not the only Tiger in my household (Chinese Zodiac)

  4. I came here from Carrie Harris' blog and am now your newest follower.

    I find your blog colorful and entertaining, so nice to meet ya!

    As to your post that sounds like some exciting news. Happy Birthday Rachel! Now I'll have to take a look at these links ...

  5. Hart, this is my second teen. Thing One is 14 and a freshman this year. Yikes.

    Matthew, thanks so much for poppin' in and following. Always nice to see new faces around here. :)

  6. Good luck to a fellow contestant in ABNA. Hope to follow your progress all the way to at least the semifinalists.

  7. Thank you for the shout out, Megan! Can't wait to read NEVER EIGHTEEN!


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