Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Blahs

Yep changing the name from Manic Monday to Monday Blahs.  It felt more appropriate.  I am very tired this morning and I'm out of coffee creamer, so I'll have to spend $5 at Starbucks this morning to get my morning jolt.

I only got about halfway through my copy edits over the weekend with the holiday and such.  Seven days to finish.  Guess what I'll be doing every day after work this week?

Brighter side, I got my bills paid, my beautiful website is up and running, I finished two book trailer videos, and my Seahawks, although pathetically, won their division.  So there's that.

That's all I can muster without coffee.

Have a happy Monday,



  1. Glad you owned up to the pathetic nature of your team "earning" a playoff spot - as you can tell I'm more bitter than that coffee you'll soon be drinking

  2. I've had the same "no creamer" experience and feel your pain. Thank heaven for Starbucks. But you're right about the "bright side": the website is gorgeous. :)

  3. Yes Mike, we are the best of the worst, the first team to win with a losing record.

    Kathy, I can not drink coffee without my creamer. It's a tragedy in my house.

  4. sounds like you've been productive, even it the edits aren't quite done. Good luck getting those finished!

  5. ugh. thanks Hart. I just got through a section I actually had to rewrite, so time to push forward again. I have six days left and about 100 pages to go. uh-oh, I feel a panic attack coming on.


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