Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Morning Blahg: Sundance

As many of you know, I went to the Sundance Film Festival last week, and if you're friends with me on Facebook or Youtube, you know I had a great time.  I saw some great films, my favorites being, Septien, Gun Hill Road, Son of No One, and Another Earth, all I'm sure were picked up.  Some had big stars, (Al Pacino, Tracy Morgan, Katie Holmes, etc), some had no one you've ever heard of.

I was a little (okay a lot) disappointed with a film called Here.  While the acting was really good (Ben Foster was in it and I <3 him) the movie was, well, boring.  And then I saw some shorts one of which was weird, three were good, and one had potential but drug on and on and on and on.

I saw no huge celebrities, they apparently come for the first few days and then hightail it out of there.  But I guess people like Kevin Spacey, and Mark Wahlberg were there.

My brother came Friday to Sunday.  He dressed in a banana suit and danced up and down Main Street to advertise his comedy troupe.  He got loads of attention from  tourists, film makers, the local news, and Sundance itself.  He was funny.  If you go to my Youtube or Facebook, you can see a video of him.

Park City is a beautiful place, and the people were really really nice.  We received some random acts of kindness a few times (including getting to Sundance in the first place of course).  Everyone from the hotel staff (Park City Peaks), to the Sundance volunteers, to the cab drivers were a pleasure to deal with.

So, all in all, a good time.  My goal: do it again with a broader pass.

That's it.  It's good to be home.


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