Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thought Provoking Thursday: I'm not going to talk about the AZ shooting

I was going to talk about the shooting in AZ, but honestly, I'm weary.  I don't normally get political here, because, well, I loathe politics, but guns bug me.  And the gun battle will never be resolved.  People will say ( and I agree) we shouldn't own them, others will say it's our 2nd amendment right.  Of course, the amendment was written during the homefront war days and there was the need for a militia.  Um, we don't really need a militia any more, just sayin'.  We have armies and National Guard and stuff for that now. 

Never mind that most guns in the home shoot more friends and family, whether by accident or not, than are used in self defense.

Every day 75 kids are shot.  15 of those die.  Every DAY, people!  And just kids!!  I don't even know how many adults are shot every day.

Did you know teens are two times more likely to kill themselves if there is a gun in the house?

I mean, it's kind of scary that just about anyone can go to a store or a gun show and buy a gun, isn't it?  Think about how many crazies there are in this country.  And. They. Can. Go. Right. In. And. Buy. A.  Gun. 

The guns used in violent crime are usually stolen.  And who are they stolen from?  Um, gun owners.

The amendment is archaic and is taken completely out of context for this day and age.  And  yes, I'm sure most gun owners are sane and responsible.  

But some are crazy.

And guns get stolen and then they kill people. 

I mean, if no one were allowed to own a gun, how would people die from a gunshot wound?

Is it really worth the amount of lives they take for you to own a gun?


  1. Bravo, Megan. Well put. Now if you can just get the majority of people to act....


  2. Yeah, but it's never going to happen. sigh.

  3. Exactly. The unfortunate problem is that as long as criminals have guns, citizens will have guns. Everybody's armed, and it always seems like the wrong people get shot. I never understood the defense for automatic weapons, especially. Who needs that many rounds, that quickly? I don't own a gun. I never have. But to control them we would need rational leaders, and that might take a while. Interesting blog, Megs.

  4. I totally agree and you are exactly right, but here is a little... I'm not sure what...

    I grew up in the Idaho panhandle where hunting is a right of passage and a cultural reality, so while I don't hunt, I can sort of see the rifle thing. I actually had gun safety in PE in Jr. High because they wanted the kids who DIDN'T have guns in their house to know not to be idiots around them. (and the house I grew up in DID have guns--locked in a cabinet)

    HANDGUNS on the other hand--extremely bad idea. Especially the semi-automatic many shot deals... there is no reasonable use of those. NONE. I would support a total ban, but I don't think all the hunters in this country make this something a majority could ever support.

    Banning automatic, and semi-automatic though... and requiring a background check that includes mental health--those seem like if they were framed right, could feasibly happen.

  5. Although I am opposed to hunting, I know it's a past time enjoyed by many. But why can't we have government regulated hunting? They keep the rifles, we rent the rifles and turn them back in at the end of the day.

    And Kerry, I know what you're saying, it would take YEARS to manage. It's just so sad that so many accidents and violent crimes take place with the guns kept in our homes.


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