Friday, January 7, 2011

Friend or Foe Friday Is Cancelled

Many inspire me, but this week has been a real bitch.  I found out I was doing copy edits all wrong, I got pushed out the back of 2011 for my release so I have to drop the Class of 2k11 group I've been working with for half a year and start over with the Class of 2K12. (but I do have a fellow bumpee, Caroline Starr Rose to keep me company).  And all that aside from other life drama made this week nearly unbearable.  

That said, there are some bright lights at the end of the tunnel.  Now that I know HOW to do my copy edits, it's going much quicker, I've been having a great time working on video book trailers, my website launched, and I just got my passes to the Sundance Film Festival in the mail.  (Plus it's Friday, so there's that). 

I also don't hate the idea of following in the footsteps of Class of 2k11er Julia Karr's footsteps by being first out the gate in 2012 (maybe definitely probably).  Her novel XVI is doing excellent and she's getting crazy good reviews.  I can't wait to read it. 

So, that's that.  Time to finish edits, watch my Seahawks in the playoffs, and chill for the weekend.  Until Monday.



  1. Sorry that you've had a rough week, but I like that you're finding some silver linings in it.

    My recommendation: stir up a ruckus. It's good for what ails you. ;-)

  2. Ah, nothing like a good ruckus to get things going.

  3. Take a deep breath and dive into it. Stay calm. You can handle it.

    Your Pop


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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