Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tooting the Horn Tuesday: Music, Trailers, and Other Cool Things

The Less Deceived
So,  many of you saw the video that I did for the mishmash contest, right?  I created a trailer for my novel, Never Eighteen.  Well, after the contest, we were supposed to destroy all of the pics, video, and songs off of our computer, never to be used again (without paying).  I redid the video, which can be seen here, but it just wasn't the same without that beautiful song.  

So, I scoured the net for the guys who did the song.  I could only find them on myspace, as of yet, they are unsigned, etc, etc.  I decided to write them:

Megan Bostic says
To: The Less Deceived (theaceproject@myspace.com)
I would REALLY like to use this song in a book trailer I'm creating, but alas, I'm a poor writer and all I could offer you is credit on the video which would be placed on youtube and facebook.
Any chance you'll let me?  It's a beautiful song and catches the mood of my novel perfectly.
BTW my novel is being released by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Fall, 2011.
This is what I received back from them:
The Less Deceived says
To: Megan Bostic, Writer (meganthewriter@myspace.com)
Hello Megan,
sorry for the late reply. Of course you are more than welcome to use the song. Would be great if you could credit the song as The Less Deceived - Love's Labour's Lost and also provide a link to our website: http://www.thelessdeceived.com/
We'd also be very happy to receive a copy of your novel, of course!:)
Let me know if you need an mp3 of the song and where to send it.
Good luck and best wishes,
The Less Deceived

Needless to say, I'm ecstatic!!! Here is their own video for the song.  I'll post my book trailer once it's redone.

Thanks for reading.

Peace out,


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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