Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thought Provoking Thursday: Music

A drawing I made of my muse a while back.
As writer, our muses come in so many forms sometimes they're hard to keep up with (except for those times they take the extended smoke break and you have to go outside and around the corner of the house with arms crossed over your chest, glare at them, and kick their ass back in the house so you can get some writing done)

I draw inspiration from many placed, nature, my own life experienced, and many times, my muse comes to me in the form of music.  When I wrote Never Eighteen, I was listening to a lot of indie (not when I wrote, I have to have complete silence when I write as my multi-tasking abilities suck when it comes to writing).  Iin fact, originally I had song lyrics at the beginning of each section of my novel.  Death Cab, Badly Drawn Boy, Tiger Army, The Airborne Toxic Event started the four sections of my book.  I also had more Death Cab lyrics in the novel, as well as the song Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep.  Unfortunately, unless you're Stephenie Meyer or have music connections, it's near impossible to get permissions to use lyrics in your novel.  So they got cut.

I love evocative music for writing.  So much of what I listen to when I need inspiration is indie.  Or songs that make you want to pull a Plath.  This is  because I truly believe I write better when my emotions are raging to the point that I'm almost in tears.  I know this sounds completely and utterly insane, but it's true.  In fact, I actually write certain scenes with a soundtrack.  For instance, there was this scene in my Superhero novel, when the protagonist and the love interest kiss for the first time, and all I could think of was Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.

I bring up this topic because yesterday I decided my protag in my WIP (work in progress for you lay people) was going to be a song writer and musician, and thus, I had to write a song for my novel.  This isn't new to  me.  I was telling my Facebook peeps yesterday that I used to write angsty rock songs in a spiral notebook back in my teens and early twenties.  I have a feeling that poetry and music are going to play parts in probably every novel I write, if not in the novel, than an inspiration to write.

I guess what I'm saying, is music is a big part of my life and always has been.  And it's a constant source of inspiration for me when I hit a brick wall while writing.

So what inspires you?  What gets you past those difficult moments, be it writing, or just in life?  In what form does your muse manifest itself to you?

Catch you on the flip side,



  1. Great topic, Megan, and I am always interested in how music or other arts inspire writers. Music inspires me when I am away from my desk, walking and sorting out plot problems, but I can't seem to listen to it while I'm actually working. I think my muse takes the collective form of any writers and other artists who get down to work and finish stuff. (If I drew her, she'd be some weird many-headed beast I guess, not an individual figure or abstract idea). I'm really inspired when I check in with people's blogs or twitter updates and hear of people (supposedly) working. And I'm most inspired when I walk into a bookstore and see all those beautiful finished books and think of the work that went into them; makes me want to just rush home and get busy writing again.

  2. Your muse, while cute, looks very similar to the Starbucks mermaid...coincidence? or copyright infringement?

  3. I need quiet too, to write. But funnily, it's really helpful to get past certain moments (just like you). I love the walk and think break. Those are key. Or the chai latte break. Depends on how lazy I feel :)
    The Middle Ages

  4. Diana, thank you for your comments. I too am intrigued by what inspired others. And yes, I love walking into a bookstore and perusing the aisles dreaming of the day mine will be among them. Best motivator.

    Mike, bite me. ;)

    Barbara, I love walking when I feel stuck. Especially on a sunny but brisk day. Nothing else like it.

    Thank you all for your comments (yes, even you Wood. you made me laugh)

  5. This is so true! I am so changed by the music that plays while I write. When the music gets more epic I write more dramatic scenes and my speed kicks up. It's great but then I skip things.

  6. I do that. I like to just get the story down then flesh it out later. It's how I roll. :)

  7. I haven't written by music in a long time! wow, just realized that. Maybe that's why I have trouble sometimes now. I wrote my first novel to Josh Groban, AC/DC and Enya. lol. But seriously, it worked. whenever I hear that music now,I go right back to the scenes I was working on, and I am filled with joy, because I adored writing that novel.

    My muse? Hmmm...I don't have a mental image of my muse. :( and every great writer DOES. I'm have to go find him or her today!! WTH did they go?


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