Friday, March 4, 2011

F³A: First Pass Pages

I got my first pass pages yesterday and I am beside myself with excitement.  It is amazing to see your book in book form.  To the left are a few of my pages.  This may be the clincher in the reality of what is to be my novel in print.

Now I just have to find out about dedication pages, acknowledgments, yadda yadda yadda. (you have no idea how many people I have to thank for getting me here).

That's all I have for today.  Oh, except reminding you about my contest for the 200th follower and their referral.  $10 Amazon cards.  Should get you a debut novel.

Random iPod shuffle song:  It was Linkin Park.  And I thought I would remember as I left for work, but I didn't.  So I'm going to say it was Waiting for the end.

Book of the Week: Deadline by Chris Crutcher.  Just started it a couple days ago.

Movie of the week: I'm actually going to go with a TV show I've been watching on Netflix.  Dead Like Me.  Love it.

Quote of the Week: I have two this week.

"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."  ~Frank A. Clark

"As long as you keep getting born, it's alright to die some times."  ~Orson Scott Card
Thanks for reading.  Happy Friday.  Have a great weekend.



My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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