Friday, March 25, 2011

F³A: Recharging

Lately life has been confusing, busy, distressing.  Skies in my home town have been gray since September which makes, me tired, and sad.  I still haven't really found my balance between my day job, and writing, and blogging, and mothering, and marketing, and networking, etc etc.

The last couple days I melted down to mush.

I am now in Arizona.

My parent's house is gorgeous.  It's all marbled and big and open with high ceilings and windows that allow the sun to stream in through every room.

The sun is already warming the ground outside and the pool.

My kids woke up smiling.  So did I.

Everyone needs a recharge.  You may not be able to go to Arizona, but perhaps you could hole up in a cabin somewhere for the weekend.  Or take a trip to a mountain for a day hike.  Or sit at the beach and just watch people, and the birds, and the surf.  Or stay in your pajamas all day and do something you love whether it's writing, or listening to music, or watching 80's movies.

Take a break.  Recharge.  Breathe.  Your life will be there when you get back.


  1. Good for you! I hope this vacation is exactly what you need.

  2. I really hope your recharge works, Megan! I KNOW those long, gray northwest winters, so I totally hear you.

  3. Sounds like heaven Megan! It's so true that your life will be there when you get back. Always worth remembering.

  4. I'm having a great time ladies. The sun is really helping. As I've always said, I'm solar powered. May have to move out of the PNW one of these days.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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