Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thought Provoking Thursday: Work and other things that keep me from writing

Since I started work, it's been so hard to find the time to do anything let alone write.  I used to be good at the balancing act, but that was BW (before work).  Now, I'm like a crazy person running every which way, trying to multi-task but at the end of the day has accomplished nothing.

And I'm working out now.  An hour a day.  Where the hell does the time go?  And I don't even work full time.  I work five hours a day.  I get home, I try to write for a bit, but there are distractions like email, bills, facebook (*shakes fists at Mark Zuckerberg*).  Plus I blog, I have kids that need my attention, a house that needs cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping.  By brain is cheese toast by 5 pm.

So how do you do it?  How do you balance everything without plummeting to an untimely death (okay, that may be overdramatic)?  This girl needs some advice.



  1. I wish I had answers for you, darling. But, I'm sorry to say that I have no idea how to balance writing with the rest of my life. It seems with me it's all or nothing. If I take the time to write it's not for an hour, it's for hours, and they are a precious commodity of world immersion.
    I will be anxiously watching the comments to your blog post. Perhaps, I will find some helpful hints, as well. Much Love.

  2. i completely understand your frustration. why aren't there more hours in the day??

    it's especially hard when we see other writers online who have jobs and kids and blogs and other such responsibilities... who say they still find at least an hour or three every day to write.

    i've had to train myself to ignore those people. ;)

    personally, i work 9-6. i find chores are easier to do at night, because they're mindless work. so i try to do my writing in the mornings, when my brain is fresh. i'll set my alarm for very early and make a point of getting up hours before i need to leave for work so i can write.

    you'll find your balance/pattern. don't worry. :)

  3. I work full time and I post a blog everyday. So what works for me is I have an excel spreadsheet of all the days and I plug in the post I want to do that day. Then I write reviews and schedule in advance. I also try to get a lot done on the weekends.

  4. I had to read the comments in case there was any good advice, but I have to agree with Erinjade. I think we all have different rhythms and yours has recently changed and you'll find yourself finding a new one to fit it after a while. that has certainly been my own experience. But I guess that doesn't help much now ;)

  5. I appreciate all your comments. I guess I just need to find my own drum, beat it, and find my rhythm. I'm sure it will come in time.


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