Friday, March 11, 2011

F³A: Life of a Soccer Mom

Okay, I'm not only a soccer mom, I'm a soccer team assistant coach and manager.  When we practice, we play hard.  Right now we're playing indoor so we go to the middle school and practice in the basketball court.  We call it, cage soccer.

The older and better these girls get, the harder it is to keep up.  When we started this team, they were fourth graders, well, now at 13, many of them are taller than me, and they're all definitely tougher than me.

Last night I got kicked in the foot, pummeled in the thigh and gut, and had two near misses to my face (I've been hit square in the face, believe me, it hurts like hell)  Oh, and I got knocked down right on my back on the concrete.  Good times.

This morning my arm is sore, my back aches, and I pretty much hurt all over.  So, why do I do it?  Because I love it.  We've been together so long I love these girls as if they were my own.  Every time I get injured, I play it up and make them laugh.  Of course, if I continue, I could be dead soon.  I can see the obit now.  Megan Bostic passed away suddenly when she was pummeled with a soccer ball one to many times.

On a side note, I'm coming along on my pass pages, my ARC's will be out soon, and my novel is on Netgalley for all you review bloggers.

Random iPod shuffle song: For the First Time by The Script, one of my favorite new bands.

DVD of the Week: Weird Science, going to watch it this weekend with my girls.

Book of the Week:  Deadline by Chris Crutcher, still reading, still liking.

Quote of the Week: "Live under the sun, love under the moon."  I have no idea where this quote comes from.  I saw it on a sign.


  1. More power to you - I was so glad my step-daughter sucked at soccer - she only played in the rec league, games were local, and ended in under an hour - - and her dad was the coach!
    i just had to sit in the stands and clap

    ps- dig the quote

  2. Thanks Mike. I am the comic relief at the practices. I do play it up pretty good, but oy, my back hurts today.

    I love the quote too, wish I could find where it originated from.

  3. Ooh, ARCs coming. That will be exciting!


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