Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday morning blahg: Just another Monday

Tired, crabby (I almost wrote crappy, they both fit), anxious.  Need a change.  Need more coffee, but I'm drinking Crystal Light.  Need a happy monkey.  Want some pineapple for some reason.

Okay, enough of that.  I  just found out my ARC's  (Advanced Reader Copies) are coming in a couple weeks.  Totally psyched about this.  Can't wait to hold one in my hand.  Turn it over a few times.  Stare at my name on the cover.

This means I have to write my dedication and acknowledgments.  I'm scared. I don't want to forget anyone.  Friendships have ended over acknowledgments.  All of a sudden I'm panicking (breathe Megan, breathe).

This is real.  It's happening.  Nothing will stop it now.

I'm pretty sure that's all I have for you today.   Thanks for reading.


  1. the thing people dont realize with acknowledgements is that books takes years from when we start writing them until a finished product. I have friends that helped me in some way or another with my book that I don't even see or stay in touch with anymore. It's very hard to remember everyone. I just tried mostly to thank in groups (unless, like Jeff there were people who had read the whole entire ms and actually gave specific input) and hope people will know I'm sincere.

    Try to focus on the good, exciting parts. They're starting to roll in! :D

  2. Drink more coffee that always makes the world better. Enjoy this exciting time of getting your arcs worry about the rest later :) Congrats!!! I can imagine you stalking the deliver trucks now.

  3. Thanks Gae, that's very true. I do want to try and thank everyone who read the entire book and gave me feedback for sure. Watch me do something stupid like leave out my editor. LOL.

    And Cari, yes, I'm very good at stalking. The UPS guy will be no different. :) (and YOU of course are on my ARC list)

  4. Oh maybe you can do a fun video or blog post of everyone you want to thank.

    You are so sweet :) You know I'll still buy a copy for me and one to giveaway on my blog.

    Poor UPS guy he better hand them over quick or else. LOL

  5. "This is real. It's happening. Nothing will stop it now."


    Megan, are you like, a writer or something?


    Congrats on everything you have accomplished! I wish you, again, nothing but the best!

  6. Thank you Tymothy. I appreciate it. :)

  7. I'm so excited for you to get your copies!

    It's funny, at one point the acknowledgements seemed like it should be so straighforward, but after ALL the iterations, the readers, the critiquers, the supporters... and who did what for which book? I hear you and certainly don't envy you!


My Dad. He's awesome.

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