Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Celebrity Writers

A fellow blogger, Kaitlyn Cole, sent me an email and a link to the article 10 Celebrity Writers Actually Worth Reading.

Now, I've talked about celebrity writers before, and you know, they make me none too happy. This is because I don't think they have to struggle like us "nobody" writers. I'm sure they don't have to query 100 agents to find someone to represent them. Don't have to go through rejection after rejection from publishers. And every time one of their books gets published, it means one of ours doesn't.

Mostly, I'm sure, and I could be wrong, but I don't think they write their own books.

That said, I appreciate the list above and this is why: the people listed there are actual writers (most of them). They're the most brilliant minds in comedy and screenplays. So, I guess what I'm saying is, it's nice to know that some of the celebrities out there taking our book deals have talent.

Makes it not sting so bad.

non sequitur: I want to wish all my friends still in the ABNA contest the best of luck today. I'm rooting for you.


  1. I agree with the people on that list. It's when people like Paris Hilton come out and say they're writing a book that makes me furious. Don't you have enough money already, jerks? That's what I always think when I read about something like that.

    Cool post. :)

  2. LOL. Yeah, the last one that made me go on a tirade was Hilary Duff. Now I like her, but come on. Not every celebrity can write.

  3. I can't wait to get a signed copy. I assume you will do signings at book stores. A question: Can you explain the process going forward? Why does it take until Fall of 2011 to publish or bring out your book?

    That seems like a lot of prep time.

  4. From what I understand Walter, is that it is just a very slow business. For instance, though my deal has been negotiated and approved, I do not have my contract. They can take months to get and I'm sure big publishers take longer than smaller presses.

    After that I have to wait for an editorial letter. Then to revisions, then back and forth until all our approved...and so on...and so on. :) That's about all I know so far.

    And yes, I am planning on book signings. :)

  5. This is a great list--I am a huge Carrie Fisher fan--AS a WRITER. She has battled mental illness and her former husband is gay, and somehow this HUGE life stuff makes for the funniest material possible.

    Totally with you though, on dissing the 'pretty people' (though Ethan Hawke is no slouch--but I LIKE that he opted for smaller roles so he could pursue other stuff--makes me want to read him)

  6. Like I said, if they have talent that's great(which it sounds like those on the list do). But I would guess that most the celebrity writers out there have a ghost writer. and that's not really writing a book now, is it? ;)


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