Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Solar Powered

My friend Gae wrote a great blog this morning on creative flow and where it finds you. Gae is my little mermaid friend. When she's struggling to write, she can always find clarity under water. On her blog, she posed the question, where does your creativity flow? I had to stop and think about this. Mostly I'm just sitting at me laptop writing and it comes, but not always.

And then it came to me.

The sun.

The giant blazing orb in the sky.

I used to be a slave to my computer room. My old laptop battery never worked, so I was always plugged in. Or on the desktop. And no matter if I had the light on (I have one of those natural light bulbs in there) and both shades open, I wasn't happy in there.

When I bought my new laptop, I transitioned to my dining table. It was an organic shift. But why? It's because of the sun. I have a large picture window with a southern exposure, and as the sun slowly moves from east to west throughout the day, it casts rays of light through that window continuously. And those rays of light shine across my floor and "shadow" me.

I have another window at my back. It faces east. As the sun rises up into the sky it warms my back, brings me comfort, like the arm of an old friend wrapped around me.

When I need clarity, I go walk out in the sunshine. Feeling the sun on my face always makes me feel better.

What about the not so sunny days? I do live in Washington, where it's gray more than anything. I flip on all the lights, open the curtains and put a photograph next to me that my beautiful friend Lori gave me of a blue sky (she is an incredible artist and photographer) until the sun shines for me again.


  1. Aw, this friend Gae sounds awesome!

    One day soon, we're going to lie on the beach together and drink Mai Tais or Pina Coladas or something (I'm going to promptly fall asleep -- you can write) and then we'll swim (you can swim, I'll "write") and then more Pina Coladas. A plan, don't you think?

  2. I was going to SAY, you live in the wrong part of the country to count on sunshine! I like daylight though, too. I can see though, how daylight even, is an improvement for a really dark office.

    And can I get in on a beachy mai tai gig? Sounds like heaven! Maybe when we all have best sellers...

  3. Yes Gae, we will be doing this. I'm thinking Cabo, or maybe Australia or Italy. Sounds perfect.

    Hart, yes, but I've always lived here and I love it. Maybe one day this writing gig will pay me enough to get a winter house in AZ. And yes, the more the merrier. :)

  4. I just got home from a loooong day being MOM instead of ARTIST and catching up on FB saw your latest blog.....thank you for the SWEET shout out--I'm so happy to know that my photo brings you sky & light when you need it.......
    I love knowing that you are out there creating under that sky with me, albeit 3000 miles away........

  5. I love Cabo San Lucus. I stayed at the Finisterra (I think it means tip or end of the world) Hotel and it was beautiful.

    I made the mistake while snorkeling, feeding the fish bread crumbs while I was still in the water. The problem with feeding the cute little colorful fish is they swarm at you. No problemo, except the big fish want to eat too. Scared the heck out of me.

    Running around in shorts during the winter is a real kick. And Cabo is cheaper than other warm spots, and I think better.

  6. Sending you some sunshine from a state where we've had like 14 straight days of it. Funnily, I like gloomy, gray days. And snow strewn skies. Dramatic weather inspires me. So I'll happily share the summer sun, although the photo and other techniques sound good!

  7. Thank you all for your comments. Lori, you know I love my photo and you.

    Walter, that's a good story, though that would have really freaked me out.

    Jenny, funny how we are inspired by different things, water, sun, adverse weather. Yes, please send me some sun. I'll be waiting at my window for it. :)

  8. Hi, Megan.

    New to the blog world (just went "live" this week). But followed you and the fab gang over at ABNA as I was entered and made it through the first round, but not the second :(. You might not remember me (I was SUCH a newbie), but I looooved reading your comments and Gae's and Jeff's and Vivian's.

    Kept thinking of you as I was launching my own first attempts at a blog this week and thought I'd say hi. Your blog is wonderful, really beautifully written and heart-felt. Thanks for the "tips by example"!

    xo Barbara

  9. Hey Barbara! Thanks for following. I'll check out your blog. It's a totally different world, but you get the hang of it (I'm totally lying I still have no idea what I'm doing ;)

    Thank for the follow. Us ABNAers HAVE to stick together. :)

  10. I agree! The writing world can be a tad lonely, so we should find our pepes and support each other.

    I've been thinking of your sun-worship a lot since I read this post. Very powerful energy!


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