Friday, April 23, 2010

When did my butt get so big?

Lack of sleep left me without a blog idea. So I put it out there and my friend Christine said she'd gained five pounds, blog about that. So I shall.

Women and weight have this roller coaster relationship. Up and down, up and down.

Here's the funny thing. When we're younger, we have this distorted body image. We look in the mirror and we see ourselves like Jabba the Hut. It doesn't matter if we look like Twiggy (here she is to the left). I remember when I was in high school, I thought I was fat. I was on a constant diet. Thing was, I wasn't really overweight. I look back and wish that was my body again.

Media tells us what we should look like, which back in those days, was stick figures. This is why so many young women are afflicted with eating disorders, because of the impossible examples of how we should look. We can not all be Kate Moss thin .

Now, when I got into my twenties, I was more comfortable in my own skin, but still not happy. And forget about after I had kids...yikes. You will never see a photo of me from 1996 to 2006. That's when I began the dance, the back and forth with the weight. Now, I have come to terms that I will never be "thin". I am a real woman, I have curves (okay, maybe I don't look like this --->), and I've learned to like myself that way. However, I like to be strong and muscular and toned, and this is where I'm lacking at times, like, er, now.

I know what it takes. A balance between exercise and eating right. NOT dieting. And I do eat right. Low salt, low fat, no beef or pork, no partially hydrogenated oils, I eat whole grains. I cook a lot from scratch. I even gave up my Doritos for god's sake.

But time to get back to the exercise, which I start next week, and now I have this, er, health coach through my husband's medical (they actually pay ME to talk to her). So if I don't stick to my plan, I look like a schmuck because I have to be accountable to her and to myself.


  1. This is great, Megan, and smart. Eat healthy and exercise, those are the keys.
    I know it is easier said than done but keep at it. Your body will thank you, Rusty will thank you, and your kids, family and friends will thank you.
    And I thank you.


  2. well said. i think my scale's broken.

  3. And I thank YOU Michael.

    Christine, LOL. It's only five right? and at your height I bet it's hardly noticeable. Now at my height it would look like I ate a mac truck.

  4. It's so true--the distorted view women (especially young girls) have of it. I wish I'd known at 13 that taking up exercise... like DAILY, was the actual answer. I am sure I messed up my metabolism permanently--that that has played a role in the roller-coaster I've always gone through.

    It is HORRIBLE to be happy about it, but I am now grateful to live in the 3rd fattest state in the US--you know WHY? My daughter, who inherited my ample thighs, has NEVER had to feel fat for it (she's never been the biggest of her friends). She mentioned chubby as a 7th grader and I said, "You look really good when you exercise. I think that is all you need to worry about" and it TOOK. I hope it sets her up for a healthier body image forever.

  5. Good luck, Megan! But remember regardless of what you weigh, you're still awesome. :D

    Have a fantastic weekend.

  6. Hart, that's awesome. I try and instill that in my girls too. Exercise is so important and I'm with you, I wish I would have started WAY younger.

    Thanks B. I'm okay with my weight right now. I just need to tone a bit. You have a good weekend. too.

  7. I used to think my butt was big in high School. Now I just wish my but was that SMALL again. Eating healthy is SO much harder when you don't have people in your house that support that. My husband could care less about his weight. I care too much I think.

  8. I hear that Marjorie. Luckily I have the support at home, so it makes it easier to eat healthy. The exercise on the other hand...;)

  9. Butt, I thought bigger was better. Now I am confused.

  10. Actually, pork is the most healthy meat for humans because they contain more of the right enzymes and proteins that we need. Chicken isn't healthier than pork. Just thought you should know that so you can keep up with the healthy nutrition info. =)


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