Monday, April 5, 2010


I just got back. It's the reason I couldn't blog last week. Five fun filled days at Disneyland and California Adventure. But while my family had a blast, there are definitely irritations, annoyances, and other distractions.

Things I saw too much of in Disneyland:

Lines. Some people waited up to two hours (that was the posted wait, I'm sure in reality it was longer) Thank god for the fast pass. Never go to Disney without one. With a fast pass you get a time to come back and you get in a special line and zip right through with hardly any wait at all. The longest we waited was about thirty minutes.

Screaming spoiled kids. Seriously parents, teach your kids a lesson, don't buy them the Goofy ears, or the ice cream cone, or let them ride the tea cups if they're throwing a fit. Take their ass outside the park until they calm down. That's what the hand stamps are for. Well, not specifically I guess, but it's a good way to use them. By the end of the trip I had vowed to become a hermit if only to stay away from the chance I might hear another screaming child.

Any chance to make a buck. They're around every corner. T-shirts, mouse ears, hats, gloves, stuffed animals, games, slushies, ice cream, cotton candy, balloons, lighted necklaces, pins, lanyards, it's endless. Commercialization hath vomited throughout the Land of Disney. Don't get me wrong, I totally bought into it, a little. We actually tried to be frugal, but it's nearly impossible when your spending $5 on an ice cream cone, and $50 on a sweatshirt.

Rude people. Cutting, standing in front of you, walking into you, letting their children do the same. I cannot stand rude people.

Bad food choices. The best the park offered was salads. Salads with an over abundance of cheese and fatty dressings. Salads that were double the size anyone really needs to eat. Other than that it was the usual choices, burgers, fries, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, etc. We were going to have a sit down dinner in the Blue Bayou, which is a restaurant that overlooks the Pirates of the Caribbean, but after seeing that each meal was $30 (which if course didn't include beverages, or tip, or tax) we canceled. Like we weren't spending enough money.

Fat people driving motorized carts. Okay, you may think me rude, but this sight bothers me. You're so fat you can't walk, yet, you don't walk so you're fat. AND these people get preferential treatment on rides as if they're in a wheel chair or had some other kind of disability. I saw a woman coming into a ride, she probably weighed about 350 pounds, and was riding a cart, using the wheel chair access, and ten minutes later she was walking behind the cart while one of her kids drove it. Um, if you can actually walk, get your ass to the end of the line.

Okay, it sounds like I'm bitching, but we really did have a good time. Tomorrow I'll give you some tips on how to get the most out of the parks.





  1. Having recently come back from Disneyworld, the carts are particularly annoying, especially since it seems that all of the largest parties in the Parks have one member on a cart - and they all cut the line to ride together.

  2. Yes,I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have no problem if there is some kind of disability. I saw people in wheel chairs, people with downs syndrome and their families use that line, and that's fine, of course you want to ride with your family, but come on, these people can walk, and I'm sorry, the lines move at a snail's pace. It's not as if they're going to be running a marathon to the front of the line.

  3. I hate crowds. That's why one of my favorite vacations was to drive to the geographic center of Nevada. There is a ghost town there called Belmont, and it's protected by snowbirds who camp there most of the year.

    The main feature is a domed courthouse with a jail in the back. You don't ever see those at ghost towns. It's all free to see, no one owns it. Take all your guns with you though, there's bandits out in the desert. Hmmm, new idea for a book?

    Hope you took lot's of pictures and enjoyed "The happiest place on earth." I enjoyed my stay there at the Ramada Inn, but I like to go during the swimming season.

  4. It was fun, and I took loads of pics. But yeah, the crowds, they get to me.

  5. "Bad food choices." = Yep. That's Disneyland.
    "Fat people driving motorized carts." = Yep. That's California.

    It's a shame, really. The spew that passes for food at that place is just downright abominable. $3 for water is 'Soft Robbery'.

    Sorry I missed ya over there, but glad you made it out safely. Snake Plisken never came back, btw.

  6. yeah, like I said, fun, but a convergence of all that is wrong in America. LOL.

    Next time I come to Cali we get together.

    And I'm not sure I really blame Snake, of course, when all you're exposed to is Disneyland...I'm sure Cali has a lot to offer.

  7. I'm glad it was mostly great--I hear you on the complaints though. You're right--no special treatment for laziness! Bugs the heck out of me. And badly behaved children? TIME OUT (right outa the park)--then again, my younger used to melt down with some regularity when he was little... It's why we never go anywhere, or so I tell him.

    I love a lot of California, but LA? Other than the theme parks, no thanks.

  8. I love Disney. Had a great experience with the fam last year in the springtime at Disney World. It was awesome! I agree on the food and bratty kids, tho. Everything was pretty expensive. Glad you had a great time! Missed you last week.

  9. It's the Happiest Place on Earth...except for that.

    We haven't braved Disney yet post-K. (I went for the first time with my husband at 30.) I'd happily drag one of mine outta the park though for misbehavior.

    It's Disney! If you can't be happy here, get out!

    Glad you had fun.

  10. HA!! That should be their new slogan Jenny. Disneyland: If you can't be happy here, get out!

    Love it. You gave me my first laugh of the day, and before coffee even.


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