Monday, April 12, 2010


That's me. Yesterday. Well, and everyday for the rest of the year. With every birthday I try to make a plan of attack for the coming year. Things I want to work on, make better, that kind of thing.

One of the most important things for me are making and keeping connections. It's hard. Facebook is so cool, because they're all right there at your fingertips. But I have a lot of facebook friends, and it's difficult to keep up with them all.

On a daily basis, I'll connect with the most active ones, and mostly they are the ones I've met through the ABNA contest.

Just lately though, I've started to check all my friend groups on a daily basis and try to leave comments. To connect. Juts to show them that I'm thinking about them. This includes, family, friends, and other writers.

Another thing I'm trying to do is visit all the blogs I'm following whenever they post something new. I want the writer to know I'm reading them and I'm interested in what they're saying.

But I not only want to stay connected to these established relationships, but also forge new ones. I love meeting other writers, readers, people with like interests. I love that I have Facebook friends from India, and Iraq, and Holland, and Italy. I know I say I'm not much of a people person, but online friendships are different. You don't see all the things that might annoy you in person, quirks, traits, religious or political differences, the things that might cause you to NOT be friends in the tangible world. It makes them easy to maintain.

So, at 41 one of my goals is to keep my connections as tight as I can and to make new ones.

You'll hear about some of my other goals throughout the week.

Thanks for reading.





  1. I agree that Facebook is a real help when trying to stay connected with people from all of my present and past lives (LOL). Just the other day, it was so cool to see that four of my friends from very different "phases" of my life all had birthdays that day -- one of them being you! (I don't know why I think that's cool about the birthdays. I just do!)

  2. That's an interesting coincidence.

    I love seeing what people are doing. Looking at their pictures. I love watching people, not in a creepy voyeuristic way, (lol) people just are interesting to me. What they do, what they like, who they are.

  3. Happy birthday! Good luck on your connectivity goals. You'll do great, I'm sure!!

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog today! :)

  4. I'm one of the few people who has been kicked off facebook. And it happened just when I was about to get addicted, too.

    My bannishment has something to do with pushing commercial interests, which I don't understand because there are lots of commercial facebook sites.

    Me? A shameless self promoter of my 13 book series America's Galactic Foreign Legion, the 2nd book of which is at the printer now? It's not true. I'm innocent. Where do they get off accusing me of that lol?

  5. really? facebook is FOR networking. Weird. You should try again.

  6. This is AMBITIOUS! Though I think a huge part of my 'overwhelm' this month is that Blogging A to Z, so I have a ton of new blogs I'm trying to visit to sort of 'establish' those relationships. Once the month is over, and many of them quit blogging DAILY it will get easier again.

    I love FB though, too, and I'm so glad I fumbled my way into that ABNA crowd--it's a great bunch.

  7. It is a big task, but like I just said on ANOTHER blog I follow, it's kind of like a reciprocal agreement. You can't expect people to come to your blog, if you don't go to others. And so many people have very interesting things to say, takes on life, sound advice. So, though it's time consuming, it's worth it. And only a few of those are daily bloggers, so that helps.

    I'm glad I didn't find that A-Z thing before they were on "G" (which makes me a dummy because I follow TWO blogs that are participating and didn't get it until "G") I would have tried to do it and made myself crazy.

    And I'm glad you found your way into FB and ABNA too. You've been a great addition to my circle of friends. :)

  8. Just think. Next year you'll be 42 and the answer to everything!

  9. I used to be on FB all the time, but since I started blogging I have less and less time to do both so I've been focusing on blogging. I am getting better about budgeting my time so I can connect more with other bloggers.


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