Tuesday, April 13, 2010

41 redux

This week I'm blogging about goals I'd like to meet during my 41st year on earth. (or is that really my 42nd, I was never really good with the maths). Yesterday was making and keeping connections alive, today it's my health.

At 41 I am in pretty good shape. Pretty. Good. Shape. I have my faults. I'm a little soft right now, and I hate it. I look much better when there is some kind of form to my muscles and my stomach doesn't look like I swallowed a watermelon.

I like food. I can't help it. I like to eat. I don't like to be hungry. This means I HAVE to exercise, which, um, I've kind of been slacking on as of late. So that's part of it, so start exercising again religiously, which to me is five days a week.

I also do not drink enough water. I try. EPIC FAIL. This was my goal over the last month and I think I may have actually drank LESS water than the previous month. My goal is to keep a big cup of ice water right next to my computer so when I'm writing, it will be there saying, "Drink me."

I also need to include more veggies in my diet. I'm not a big fan. I like my fruits, but veggies are another thing altogether. It will be different when the garden is bustling with peas, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, and radishes. There is nothing like home grown veggies, but right now it's difficult.

And, er, don't even get me started on red wine. Bacchus has a cruel sense of humor.

So, there's goal #2.

Thanks for reading.





  1. Great idea to set goals for a birthday! Good luck with the exercise! That is the part I really love, so i fit it in well except when it's really cold out. The red wine though? I TOTALLY hear you on! Your other eating challenges match mine, too.

    I'd recommend keeping a water bottle in the car, as well.

  2. it's so easy to get out of the rhythm of exercise for me, and hard to get back into it. Once I start though, I get on a killer roll, but I never sustain it forever.

    And I do have a water bottle in the car. Of course, it's in the trunk empty, so that probably defeats the purpose, huh? ;)

  3. They say sex burns up a lot of calories, but of course for most of us it helps to have a good exercise partner for motivation. Or a good personal trainer?

    Being a guy, I've done some research on "bubble butts." It seems bubble butts are actually healthy, and a good place to store water when crossing the desert. I choose my hiking partners accordingly.

    Good luck with your exercise program.

  4. Good luck with your goals! It was a birthday goal that made me realize I needed to start working on long-term writing projects, and now look at me, 80,000 words later! You can do it!

    Thanks for sharing, Megan! :)

  5. I like the idea of goals for your birthday. It's so much better than say New Year's Resolutions. No one ever keeps those because little thought goes into them. But setting goals when it's not just the thing to do makes them more attainable. If that makes sense.

  6. I thought so too. They seem more real, easier to attain. You do it because you want to, not just because it's what everyone else is doing. :)


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