Friday, April 9, 2010

Hotel HELL!!

May as well talk about hotels since this has been a vacation blog week.

I remember from a long time ago, my family traveled to Washington DC. I think I was 8 or 10 at the time. I found a big bug in the bathroom. This is my curse, to find strange big bugs in hotel bathrooms. I don't like bugs. Looking back, I think it might have been a cockroach, but I'm not sure. Then after swimming in the pool there, I got a big black tick in my side. Not fun for a girl who doesn't like bugs.

Strange, after staying in a dump in Texas, my oldest daughter got a tick behind her ear. We kept that one and put it under the microscope. Those things are gross *shudder*. That hotel was gross too, thanks Dad (kidding Dad, well, not about the hotel, but I appreciated the trip).

Same trip (prior paragraph was on the way back from Oklahoma, this one, on the way to) we get off our plane in Texas, we already have a hotel booked. We grab our rental car and start driving and thus begins the torrential downpour. It was raining so hard, we literally couldn't see two feet in front of us. We were driving so slow, not knowing where the car ahead of us was. And forget finding our booked hotel in an unfamiliar city.

Then the clouds parted and we saw god. Okay, kidding, we saw a Holiday Inn sign, so we immediately got off the freeway (I did mention we were on the freeway, right?) Apparently the state of Texas gets that kind of rain only about once a year, and we found it. We were given rooms on the 14th floor. We had no idea the indoor pool was on our floor, oh, wait, that isn't a pool, that's a giant puddle in the middle of our hallway. I'm not a praying person, but I prayed that the 14th floor would not collapse sending us to our deaths that night.

That's probably enough hotel horror stories. I'm sure I could come up with more like the crappy cabin in Grayland where the front door didn't lock, or reserving a room at Edgefield McMenamins for the wrong day and not knowing until getting there (they gave us what's called the "oh shit" room, thank god, or Rusty would never have forgiven me).

What are your Hotel Hell experiences?

Thanks for reading,





  1. In ascending order, from bad to worse:

    1) The Italian hotel where the maid removed something from our room every day (here a bedspread, there a pillow, once the built-in blowdryer) and the concierge then tried to bill us when we checked out for everything that had disappeared.

    2) The French hotel with a timer on the light switch so we had to make our way down the last third of the hall in utter darkness. This was also the hotel with such thin walls we could hear the honeymooning couple next door. This was also the hotel where one gentleman stood under a smoke detector SMOKING A CIGARETTE and set off the fire alarm at 2 a.m. not once, not twice, but three nights running! Picture us evacuating in our pajamas in the pitch black. (Although I must say, while this was annoying for us, it was probably much worse for the honeymooning couple.)

    3) Bedbugs.

  2. 1) Nice, real nice.
    2) yikes
    3) ew

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. There's a terrible hotel at Myrtle Beach my girlfriend and I stayed at once which sounds a lot like a mishmash of the hotels you described. Hate it when you're on vacation and your base of operations isn't up to par!

    Nice post!

  4. I know. good way to totally ruin a vacation.

  5. My experience with teenagers on vacation is they're not happy unless their best friend can come too. So, I say OK, and the happy chatterbox girls in the back seat are happy.

    At the hotel the best friend, who is afraid of spiders spots a poor spider on a ceiling corner in the hallway on the way to our room, and demanded from the hotel manager that the spider be removed before she pass. She lead a parade of Hotel / Casino securiy, the manager, and others to the hallway for the spider's eviction. My son, who loves spiders, insisted the critter not be harmed. And so it went.

    That was at Beaty, Nv. Thank goodness they have no spiders in Las Vegas.

  6. I have a story but I don't have time right now to list all of the problems we had at one bed and breakfast we stayed at. We were there for only one night, attending a funeral in town. The strangest, most frustrating thing about it was that the proprietor seemed puzzled when we expressed our dissatisfaction. When possible, he "fixed" the problem, but he never once offered to discount the room or do anything to make up for what we felt was pretty bad stuff and an overall bad experience.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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