Thursday, April 29, 2010

Longing in Suburbia

As I venture further into this journey of life, I find myself surrounded by longing. Not my own, though of course I have some, but that of others. Of seemingly happy people with normal lives. People, who on the surface seem to have it so good.

Many of them wear painted smiles and speak in half truths. They think about the "what could have beens" in life.

They've either tired of their chosen rat race and wished they'd aspired to something more. Some of them dream of traveling beyond their four walls. Others just feel a void, a chasm they need to fill in some way...

I think it's a forty thing. We hit a certain age and we say to ourselves, what the hell am I doing here? With this job, or this house, or this person. Is this really how it's going to be for the rest of my life? But most of us won't change it at this late stage. We'll just carry on as we always have but with that extra added thirst for something more.

Just a moment of reflection...


  1. My friend Barbara Radecki tried to post this but apparently my comment box was not working, so I'm posting it for her.

    "I actually think this has a lot to do with a person's life not turning out the way they had imagined (and had imagined for maybe a long time). I think it's that hiccup between "This is not what I pictured" and "I navigated my way to this place and I actually love what this is". And this is a kind of essential journey... Although, sadly, some people may never appreciate where they end up (or make peace with it).

    For myself, I finally feel that peace. I pictured something vastly more "romantic", but suddenly realized that I love the "real version" much more!"

  2. Once we stop yearning, aspiring, and pursuing a dream, there's a lot of room to fall into a chasm of, well, nothing.

    Never stop dreaming. Not when you're 40. Not when you're 140.

    Teach your children there's always something to reach for, too.

    Publication. Readers. A greater book next time.

    Never stop dreaming.

  3. That's about the age I decided I really wanted to be a writer, and I'm trying it... but I hear you on the sudden discontent. I think it is the age at which you have sort of HIT 'high middle' in the career--the place very few ever move past--for me, to go any higher, I would need to commit to a PhD and that just makes me tired.

    At the same time, my kids are old enough to have freed some of my 'MUST BE RESPONSIBLE' mode--I have time to write at night because I no longer read with them... I can test the waters, and, as it turns out... it might work.

  4. Awesome insights guys. Thanks for sharing.


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