Today I'm going to talk about daycare providers. I know first hand, having been one myself, how difficult their jobs are and I think much of the time, they're taken for granted.
First of all, I think many people view them, strictly as a baby sitter and that you are their boss. Nope. Not true. I was the boss. I chose whose children I took in. It's a business, and I don't think people really think about everything involved.
First off, I had a set of rules for all parents and children. It was about a 20 page handbook I expected all my parents to read and follow. It showed them what they could expect of me and what I should expect of them to ensure high quality care of their child, it included what we did during the day, what they'd eat, what rules I expected followed, what happened when those rules were broken, and basically how we could get along. And I knew some parents never bothered to read it, as rules were broken, and then they would get bent out of shape when we needed to have a "talk". (and I'm talking about the parents breaking the rules, not the kids)
Yes, you paid me...a lot...but I assume you want your child well cared for. This is why I had employees, and had to pay wages for these employees, and taxes on these employees. I had to follow a food program through the state, so I spent lots of money on healthy food for your children that was all inclusive in your daily fee. I made sure your child was entertained with educational toys (which happen to be more expensive than the non variety), I formulated a curriculum so I was not just "baby sitting" I was educating, which was VERY important to me.
I worked fifty five hours a week caring for your kids, but also another few hours planning the daily curriculum, breakfast and lunch menus, filling out and turning in paper work to the city and state governments and food program.
And when you paid me late, it was really a nuisance because I had to schedule a time to leave and go to the bank, and when you did that, I had to go again. It's hard to get away with nine kids in my care and two employees.
So, here is what I'm saying. It's hard to find good quality care, but if you are lucky enough to do so, treat them well. Don't take advantage of them or take them for granted. Occasionally tell them they are doing a good job. Don't forget them at Christmas and their birthdays. Appreciate that they are the ones caring for your children when you can't, because you know what? We're with your children more waking hours than you, and while you can't help this, know that we love them and care about their well being, and do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and safe.
Got a lot of respect and love for childcare providers... part of it is that my mom was an elementary school teacher for 30 years. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Yep. They're on my list too.
ReplyDeleteMan, I wish I had your kind of care-giving when my girls were tots! Hats off to you and all those like you.
ReplyDeleteMy sister's a grade-three teacher and, yup, parents usually more problematic than the kids...
Yes, for sure. I had one set of parents tell me a couple years after I closed down that they were sorry they'd taken me so much for granted and that they'd never found a daycare like mine again. They also begged me to reopen. In all honestly, I'd never do day care again. It's a very time consuming, stressful business.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the way of it? Some people don't know how good they have got it until it's gone. There should be more providers out there like you were. Sadly though I don't think that would stop people from taking them for granted.
ReplyDeleteyeah, probably not. And it is so hard to find good quality care out there. you'd think when people found it, they would appreciate it. :)
ReplyDeletehear, hear! we way undervalue the people who nurture, school, and care for the little ones *we* value so much. what is up with that? i have an addition to the list. they may not do all of this educating, feeding, coaxing, humoring, staying late and...i could go on and on. but while we're recognizing--how about school bus drivers? their focus and ability to attend under, let's say, less than optimal driving conditions wows me.
ReplyDeleteyes, I think bus drivers are probably under appreciated. I wouldn't want their job.