Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Caregivers of the World: Baby Sitters

I don't mean just any baby sitter, I mean the really good ones.  The ones that play with  you, that make you milkshakes, that let you stay up a little later than you should, the ones that would read you a bed time story.  When I was growing up, we had a pair of sisters down the street that would come watch us, Caroline and Susan.  I don't remember their last names now, but they were the best baby sitters ever.

When I had kids, it was important to me to find a sitter that would actually watch and play with my kids.  Not one who would talk on the phone, or watch television.  I was lucky enough to find two.  The first one was Teefa.  She was like another daughter to me.  I'd known her since she was about 8 or 9 I think, and she started baby sitting for us when she was 12.  She was very mature for her age, so I felt comfortable leaving my children in her care.  She played games with the kids, watched Disney movies, play Barbies.  She was awesome.

However, she grew up, went to college, and now she's married with kids of her own.  When she went to college and worked, she wasn't as available as she once had been for us. So we called on Erica, the daughter of a family friend.  She was great too, played hide and seek, colored and drew with the kids.  When she would sit, we always came home to art work.

So, I want to give a shout out to those two ladies.  It's so hard to find good baby sitters, and I had two of the best.

Maybe get your sitter a little extra something next time he/she sits, a starbucks card, iTunes, something you know they'd use and enjoy.




  1. Cool post, thanks for sharing about your babysitter experience!

  2. Funny thing...my wife runs a daycare in our finished basement, while myself, the starving artist, is upstairs slamming the keys...just posted a funny about this exact subject.
    ...well written, Megan:)


My Dad. He's awesome.

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