Friday, May 7, 2010

The elements: Fire and My Mother, these two things are not related.

Fire.  The last element.  Probably my favorite.  Yes, I know, it's not a necessity for my existence, not really.  But I love heat, being warm.  I love on a cold morning sitting in my living room drinking coffee in front of a fire.  I love on a cool summer night sitting in front of the chiminea, Rusty building a huge fire to keep us warm.  I love, after a night in front of a campfire, the smell of my clothes and hair.

I would much rather be too hot than too cold.

Enough about fire.  Here is a shout  out to my mother in honor of mother's day.  She's the most beautiful person I know.  She's kind hearted and generous.  She's intelligent and funny.  And she can be a little kooky. ;)

She's had her share of hardships.  And yes, she's fallible, we all are.  But her imperfections and her trials in life make her who she is.

And here's a shout out to my girls, who I usually call Thing One and Thing Two here, but whose real names are Mary and Rachel. Here they are to the left with my grand niece Ella Bee.

Thank you for making my job as "mom" so easy.

Thank you for making me laugh by being goofballs and calling me things like "vampire mom".

Thank you for liking my writing.

Thank you for getting decent grades. (though they could be better)

Thank you for always wowing me when you're on the soccer field.

And thank you for still wanting hugs and kisses even though you're in middle school.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.




  1. Oh, I love that photo of your girls! They are light! And the setting is gorgeous too.

  2. Thank you yes, they are my beautiful beacons of light. The pic is taken on my parents deck. They have a gorgeous and ever changing view. :)

  3. Beautiful picture of your babies. I have two daughters myself. Girls are such a gift and a handful.

  4. Thank you. Yes, gifts and handfuls, and so much fun.

  5. Happy Mother's Day, Megan. And since my house burned down, fire and I are not such close friends.

    And having been born in Detroit, I would much rather be too cold than too hot. You can always put more clothes on. But there's a limit of how many clothes you can take off without being arrested!

  6. You make some VERY valid points. Yet, I like heat. As Jim Morrison says, come on baby light my fire. :)

    (sorry about your house and thank you for the Mother's Day wishes)

  7. you have some beautiful girls, megan, and i bet you're a beautiful mom! happy m day to all the women who take care of creatures in this world--moms, grandmoms, teachers, editors, agents, sisters--c'mon, add to the list...

  8. caregivers, hospice, daycare providers, baby sitters...

    Thanks Jenny, I think they're beautiful too. And I know I'm not perfect, but I try to be the best mom I can be, and my girls and I have a wonderful relationship and I think we always will. :)


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