Thursday, May 6, 2010

The elements: Earth

Okay, since one person enjoyed my other blogs this week (thanks Barbara), I guess I'll finish it off.  So today I speak to earth (should that be "the" earth? too early and not enough coffee to know)

There are things I love and things I don't, a love/hate relationship if you will.  

I love the plants and flower and trees that rise from your depths.
Except the blue bells, morning glory, and other weird nameless weeds.

Reaping from my garden what you've helped me sow is much better than buying abnormally large, pumped up fruits and vegetables from the produce section of Safeway, yet I can't stand the feeling of you underneath my fingernails. 

Let's talk about landslides.  Not good.

But I don't mind getting dirty on a soccer field.  A little.  Let's not go overboard.

Thank you for helping sustain life on our planet.


  1. Well..I love earth and really enjoy the smell and feel of "clean" dirt, if that makes sense. I love gardening and laying on the grass at a park.
    I also hate to have any of it under my nails..its an obsession with me, clean fingernails. :)

  2. I like the smell of clean soil and mowed grass. And I love some of the aspects of gardening, we usually have a huge garden full of tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, greens, etc, etc. And I have an herb garden in my front yard. And yes, love laying in the grass reading.

    All good things.

  3. Ha ha! Glad to see the elements back.

    I always hate the thought of gardening, but love the doing of it. How weird is that? I mean always. I don't wanna do it, don't wanna, and then when I get out there, just love it. Why won't I ever learn?

  4. I love morning glories. Though they will chock the heck out of your other plants if you're not careful. I have a yard that I would be hard pressed to get anything to grow in.


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