Monday, May 17, 2010

Fifteen Fantasy Island Favorites

Arlee Bird suggested posting Fantasy Island Favorites today, the fifteen albums you would want to have with you if stranded on a desert island.  Here's mine, and this is on the fly, so if I change them later this week, well, you know, there's a lot to choose from and I'm fickle. :)

These are in no particular order.

Green Day-International Superhits It may be cheating a little to choose compilation CD's but I would not be able to choose between songs like Holiday, Good Riddance, and Minority.  I've loved Green Day since the beginning, and they continue to be one of my favorite bands, and are now Thing One's favorite too. Favorite song: Good Riddance

Nirvana-Nevermind My favorite band to come out of the grunge movement.  I love the music, the lyrics, everything about it.  Sad day for music when Kurt Cobain took his life. Favorite song: Lithium

The Beatles-Rubber Soul Some of the best songs the Beatles did were all right here on this album.  Fun, catchy, or thoughtful, you can find it here. Favorite song: Norwegian Wood

The Beatles-Let it Be Same as above, though their later stuff was deeper and spoke volumes to so many. Favorite song: Two of Us

The Police-Outlandos d'amour This is one of my top five favorite bands ever.  I used to know every song by heart and proved that I still know many at their concert a couple years ago.  This album they were one step away from punk, fast and furious.  Love it. Favorite song: Can't Stand Losing You

The Police-Regatta de Blanc Yep same as above, the songs more thoughtful and profound.  They were my absolute favorite band through junior high and high school. Favorite Song: Bring on the Night

The Police-Ghost in the Machine Ditto.  Here they become a more mature sound.  Love it. Favorite Song: Invisible Sun

The Cure-Standing on a Beach Another Compilation, but all the best Cure songs, and what kind of 80's girl would I be without the angsty songs of The Cure.  One of my favorite bands during that time period. Favorite Song: This was a toughy.  Back in the day I would have said Love Cats with no hesitation, but today I'm going with In Between Days.

Various Artists-Singles Soundtrack Most of the Seattle grunge scene in one place (plus a couple other tunes)  AND the amazing combination of Soundgarden and Pearl Jam in the form of Temple of the Dog. Favorite Song: State of Love and Trust

Garden State Soundtrack An eclectic bunch of music by some of my favorite artists, Coldplay, The Shins, Colin Hay, and some little known artists.  Favorite Song: New Slang

Pearl Jam-Ten Pearl Jam, though are still good, have not produced anything like this since it came out.  One of my favorite grunge cd's ever.  Favorite song: Black

Death Cab for Cutie-Narrow Stairs This was a hard decision, only because I couldn't decide between this one and Plans, which I love.  But this new cd is amazing.  Loves me some Indie music. Favorite song: "Cath..."

Essential Jimi Hendrix Volume 1&2 Need a little good classic rock from one of the best guitar players ever.  Plus, he's from Seattle, so that's a plus. Love so many of his songs.  Favorite song: Hard choice, but I'm going with Little Wing.

Best of the Doors I cannot imagine living the rest of my life out without the haunting voice of Jim Morrison.  And there are too many songs to like, so I HAVE to go with the Best of. Favorite song: I think I'm going to have to go with Love Me Two Times (though again, a difficult choice)

R.E.M.-And I Feel Fine... The Best of the I.R.S Years 1982–1987 As I perused the list of R.E.M. albums I realized there was no way to pick just one.  I loved all their songs so much in the 80's. When my love for The Police waned, R.E.M. took their place in my heart as favorite band.  So, this cd is a compilation of all their best music, as far as I'm concerned.  Favorite song: All of them.  No way I can pick.

The Smiths-Louder than Bombs Morrissey spoke to so many of us back there in the 80's especially those of us who felt like we didn't fit in, that the world was against us in so many ways.  We, the original Emo society.  Favorite song:  Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

okay, that's all for the top fifteen.  here are a couple honorable mentions.

Squeeze, 45's and Under

Matchbox 20, Yourself or Someone Like You

Never Mind the Bullocks, Here's the Sex Pistols

Death Cab for Cutie, Plans 

Coldplay, X & Y

Hair Soundtrack

Both Twilight and New Moon soundtracks

Everything else by Soundgarden, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam

And all the Mountain Music Lounge cd's




  1. Some great choices there Megan. I cheated with some compilation albums too.
    Love Green Day and Death Cab for Cutie too. :)

  2. Great list. I have Rubber Soul on my list as well. I really like the Police, Squeeze, Death Cab, and Coldplay. And your other picks are also very fine. It's hard to pick a top 15 out of that selection.

    Tossing It Out

  3. Great list Megan! You and I have some identical titles on our lists... :D

  4. Thanks everyone. Will have to go check out more of the other lists. :)

  5. Wow, some awesome choices there. Made me want to bring out my old CD collection and load up my iPod. Thanks!

  6. Love your list and especially The Cure! My favorite song from them is "Just Like Heaven". :)

  7. Thanks so much for your comments. Lisa, I love Just Like Heaven too. So many choices. Need a little from each era I guess.

  8. There was a time in my life when I would have thought that going to a Desert Island forever without the music of The Doors would be unthinkable and intolerable.

    These years, I own only ONE Doors album, and in compiling my list, I never even gave a thought to including it amongst my 15 choices.

    It's funny what happens to us and how much we change as we travel down Life Boulevard.

    ~ "Lonesome Dogg" McD-Fens

  9. This is true Stephen, and while I don't listen to The Doors or Jimi much anymore, I'm not sure I wouldn't want to not listen to them forever. :)

    Thanks for the comment.


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