Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Desert Island Movies

Here are ten movies I'd like to have with me if stranded on a desert island.  With a TV.  And a DVD player.  And electricity...

Hair This is one of my favorite movies of all time and fills my musical quota (loves me some musicals, so needed at least one on the list).  A tale about free love, hair, and the Vietnam War.

 Heathers A couple 80's movies have to be on the list, and this is probably my favorite.  Teen angst at its best, or maybe its worst. Plus, Christian Slater, Winona Ryder, death, murder, mayhem, how can you go wrong?

Wonder Boys This is my favorite book about writers.  Take one phenom, an established writer with a severe case of writer's bloc, a pregnant mistress, a homo-erotic agent, and a dead dog,  and you're in for some serious laughs.  You don't have to be a writer to appreciate this movie, but it helps.

Fargo Joel Coen.  There is nothing more to say.

The Wizard of Oz They used to play this every Thanksgiving when I was a kid.  Do you remember before VCR's and DVD players how you were at the mercy of the television stations to replay your favorite movies?  HA!!

Shawshank Redemption The BEST Stephen King book (novella, actually) made into a movie by far.  Add Morgan Freeman one of the best actors of all time, and Tim Robbins in his prime.  Love this film.

16 Candles Okay, maybe this is my favorite 80's movie ever.  It never fails to make my LMAO, still.

Serendipity Yes, I must have one sappy love story, and if I'm going to have one, it must star may favorite actor, John Cusack. And it doesn't hurt to costar Jeremy Piven and Kate Beckinsdale.

Say Anything Yep, John Cusack again. 

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory No movie collection would be complete without this.  The original, not the freakish remake Tim Burton did, though normally I love Tim Burton AND Johnny Depp, you know, if it ain't broke...

I could add more, I'm probably forgetting some, but the above are the first ones that popped into my head.

Honorable mentions:

It's a Wonderful Life

Edward scissorhands
Finding Neverland
Moulin Rouge


  1. There is a blog hop movie challenge cominig soon. Be watching for details. I'm not hosting it, but I'll put the sign up list on my site, so be watching for an announcement.

    Tossing It Out

  2. You know, it's funny. I didn't watch very many 80's movies. wish I had,but without all the nostalgia I'm afraid I wouldn't like them very much. I also love John Cusak. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is one of his best movies.

  3. Yeah, you may have to be old like me to appreciate them. lol. I loved them all, Weird Science, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink.

  4. Oooh. Serendipity is so my guilty pleasure movie!

    How about Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly...very romantic and gorgeous!


  5. Never saw it Barbara.

    I'm usually stuck watching things my husband wants to watch too, so it's a lot of comedy and action. And I rarely have the time to sit and watch a movie all to myself. :)


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