Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Letting Go...

Okay obviously the theme I had chosen for this week is a big snoozefest *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* so I'm changing direction. 

Yesterday I parted ways with a dear friend.  A friend who has been an important part of my life for three years.  Someone I talked to just about everyday.  Someone I celebrated and commiserated with, someone I confided in. 

I love him, in a friendship way, and I'm sure he feels the same.  But sometimes love just isn't enough.  Where did it go wrong?  We've had ups and downs.  There has been drama, there has been tears.

But, in his words, we are like oil and water.  We're akin to the like poles of a magnet.  No matter how hard you try to bring them together, they repel.  The funny thing to me is, the reasons for this are exactly the opposite.  He would probably disagree, which is ironic in itself, but I think the reason we're like oil and water is because we are so much alike, reflections of each other.  At times I've said we're like the same person.

This is what connected us in the first place, our sense of humor, our loving the limelight, striving for the same goals, facing the same challenges.

But no amount of love, and no amount semblance will keep us from butting heads, and yesterday we decided it was enough.

I owe him much in many different ways.  He will always have a place in my heart and I will mourn the loss of the friendship. 

But sometimes, even though it's hard, you have to let go.




  1. ouch.

    lovely post, megan. we are like oil and oil, or water and water (yay, water!) or, um, how about pink and black Good n' Plenties. :)

    I am honored to call you my friend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I feel your pain, Megan. I've been down this road before myself. And if you're inherently a loving person, it can be that much more difficult. But a wise woman once said to me when I was pondering a split with a long time friend/associate that if someone brings a lot of negativity into your life -- even if you sometimes revel in it, that negativity filters over EVERYTHING else slowly but surely. Does this make sense?

    I think after the initial pain, you will find yourself feeling lighter.

    (and I liked your "boring blogs"!

    xo Barbara

  4. wow, you've had some big ups and downs lately, megan. it sounds almost like a time of wrapping some things up before moving on to new ones and stages. but it's hard when the letting go involves a friend.

  5. "I feel your rain." Um, that's a Northwest joke. Humor is how I deal with stress.

    On the issue of head butting, at which I am an expert (but not licensed) head butting can be a good thing if you don't always insist on winning. Hmmm, but that wouldn't be head butting. Oh never mind.

    It is an interesting phenomenon for writers that, I still can't get over, that close loved ones don't like to read our books.

    Does anyone else have that problem? People at work, media, internet strangers, all readily read my work, but family members are squeamish about doing so, and still have not.

    My publisher says that is normal, and to not worry about it. It happens all the time. Loved ones do not want to be embarassed if they do not like what they read. I have found including family in the editing process is a source of tension that is best avoided.

    Just me?

  6. Thank you for all your comments. They are much appreciated. :)


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