Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who would you want to be stranded on a desert island with?

Okay, I'm going to name ten people I wouldn't mind being stranded with.  It's not going to be family or friends, it's going to be celebrities, politicians, and the like. Living or dead.

John Cusack Favorite actor and I just think he'd be a cool funny guy to hang out with.

Jesus Christ The man, not the messiah.  On second thought, maybe a few miracles would be needed.  I think he'd be an interesting cat to be around.  He'd have lots of stories to tell, and it doesn't suck that he can duplicate fish and bread and make water into wine. ;)

John Lennon Profound thinking, musician, of course it would be required that he have a guitar with him so he can entertain the masses.

Winston Churchill There has to be one obnoxious drunkard in the group and I thought he would be more interesting than Hemingway.  I think Winston would be hella fun to have around.  The stories I'm sure he could tell...

Sylvia Plath I find her intriguing.  I just hope she wouldn't off herself while there.

John Muir Totally nature guy, knows how to live off the land, plus I like his writing a bunch.

Ty Pennington Someone has to build me a hut.  Or even a boat?

Rachael Ray  Need a good cook, plus I just like her.  I think she's cool.

Ellen Degeneris  She's hilarious and I love her.

Steve Irwin Someone that knows about the animals we might encounter on our island.  To tell us if they're poisonous or not, if we can eat them, or if they'll eat us.

Okay, I added one more. Zac Efron.  I have an unhealthy obsession with him.  I need a little eye candy on the island. :)

Who would you want hanging out on a desert Isle with you?




  1. Great choices. I laughed at Ty Pennington. Yes, handy and hot. Definitely required.

    To that list I'd add Sawyer (from Lost) so he could help me be resourceful, Ian Somerhalder because I love him, MacGyver AND Jack Bauer since they'd be great at creating something out of nothing, and Dean and Sam Winchester, sans new wives, in case Ian got a little moody. :-)

  2. I love your choices. I think I would trade Zac Effron for Robert Pattinson. There is my unhealthy obsession.

  3. ooh, MacGyver. I should have thought about that one.

    Yes, Robert Pattinson is a good choice for eye candy too. :)

  4. Love the list! Although Sylvia might be a bit of a downer. And Zac's a bit young for my taste.

    How 'bout Johnny Depp and Margaret Atwood instead?


  5. Yes, those two would be wonderful also.


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