This has been a trying week.

Monday I was running around to doctors, x-rays, specialists after Thing Two fractured her shoulder on the soccer field Sunday. On top of that, she didn't make the select soccer team she was trying out for when she truly deserved to, and no, that's not just me as a mom talking, she's one of the best players on our team, can play any position, has a killer foot, and plays with her head and her heart.

Thing One tried out for select soccer also, and her team had two teams last year, so they didn't have to cut, but they don't have enough for two this year, so they have to make cuts. And while I think she has the talent, there are other factors to consider, like politics. That's all I'll say about that.

I've been desperately trying to revise WIP, Cheesy so I can send it to my agent, but life does not wait, so I'm trying to balance my time between, revising, chauffeuring, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc.
I've also been trying to get healthy this last week, and for the most part, I've done a good job, but still sometimes life grabs you by the reins and directs you where to go (thank you Green Day).
Some days I really wish I were on a desert island with nothing but the sun, the sand, my laptop (fully charged) and a good book along for the ride.
I wonder how much private islands are going for these days.
Current mood: tired and lonely
Current read:
Alchemy by Mike Wood, along with a million critiques I have to get caught up on
Movie of the Week: NOT State of Play, which is the last movie I tried to watch, promptly fell asleep, and the husband said it was horrible.
Quote of the Week: "We're all lonely for something we don't know we're lonely for. How else to explain the curious feeling that goes around feeling like missing somebody we've never even met?" ~
David Foster Wallace
Some days I'm sad my stepdaughter isn't more into sports (or anything but boys and Facebook) but then I read this post and part of me is thankful I don't have to worry about the politics of youth sports. I'm so sorry for "Thing Two" - for not making the team AND for fructuring her shoulder :-(
ReplyDeleteWishing you a productive, sunny weekend!
Thank you Dawn. Yes, sometimes sports can be heartbreaking especially when politics and bone breaking is involved. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, have a good weekend.
It's true -- I always find it harder when my kids don't get what they deserve than if I don't. And I think we are all objective enough to recognize "fair" when we see it (or don't). Early lessons for our dear Things that life isn't always fair.
ReplyDeleteBut let yours learn from her mom -- tenacity is the true key to success!
Very true. Thanks for the comment Barbara.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about Thing 2s soccer woes! Injuries are the worst--my daughter tore her rotator cuff two years ago and it keeps bothering her. And I know it is so hard to not make teams--I hope she doesn't get discouraged.
ReplyDeleteYOU, hang in there. I decided this week Mars must be retrograde or something and EVERYBODY is down, mood-wise, but you can pull out of it... maybe set aside a little time for WRITING instead of editing (I find that nourishes my soul a whole lot more--so when other things are hard, you need it)
Thanks Hart. It's true. Maybe I should do a little writing today.
ReplyDeleteand yes, just about everyone I know is having a crappy week.
Strange days.