Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Caregivers of the World: Grandparents

They are like the fill ins.  Always there when you need them, even at a moment's notice.  Free baby sitting.

They come with some rules though.

1) Your children MUST not resist cheek pinches.

2) You must be willing to let your kids eat candy, and other crap that will either make them fat, rot their teeth, or give them a sugar high lasting weeks.

3) You must always expect them to come home with something be it a new toy, clothes, money, or cookies.

4) You must expect and accept that your kids may watch TV or play on the computer all day.

5) You must expect that there will be things that they can do and Nana and Papa's that you don't allow them to do at home.

6)  Once they return to your care, you will hear them say, but Nana let's me.  How come we can't ___________(fill in the blank i.e. go out to dinner) we always do and Nana and Papa's.

However, you can also expect them to receive, hugs, kisses, and unconditional love.  And that is something no other babysitter can offer.




  1. I'll add one: Whenever they get in trouble you must expect them to tell you they want to live with Grandma.

  2. I will become a grandmother to Jo (or, as I already call her, Little Jo) on or about July 18th. Here's what she can expect from me:


  3. Ah, yes, the old, I'm going to live with Grandma threat. Little do they know that they will be bored to tears if they have to live there. It's a nice place to visit but...:)

    And Jody, yes. My mother also is a book lover and has many books laying (lying? I never get that right) for my kids to read. :) Good Grandma.

  4. Yes! Grandparents! Good call.

    I didn't grow up with my grandparents close enough to visit easily. So I really hoped my own kids would have more of that family experience. Even though our parents don't live in our city, they're still near enough to visit or be visited several times a year. So amazing for our kids to be "spoiled" in the only way a grandparent can do it!


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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