Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Caregivers of the World: Hospice

Hospice workers are awesome.  When my mother-in-law lived with us I saw first hand.  They bring in all the equipment you need.  The nurse's are great.  Very caring, informative.  They'll give the patient their meds and teach you how to do it as well.  They schedule days to come in and bathe them.  And my MIL not only had cancer, but she'd also had a stroke a few years earlier and didn't have the use of her tongue.  So they  taught me how to feed her through her feeding tube.

They aren't only there for their patient, but also for you.  They answer your questions, explain the stages of the illness, what's happening, what we could do to make it better, to understand it.  In a way they help us to accept what is imminent and support us after.  They're available 24/7.

My mother-in-law passed so quickly we didn't really have the opportunity to take advantage of all hospice had to offer.  They have many people willing to volunteer their time and talents to make people's last days as comfortable and fulfilling as possible, artists, massage therapists, etc.  Plus there are people who will just come sit with them, talk to them, or read to them.

They inspired me to make my MIL's stay as fun and comfortable as possible also.  So on top of caring for her, I'd pull my karaoke machine in and sing to her, watch movies with her, just sit and talk to her.

We used Franciscan Hospice whose slogan is, We bring light to the end of life, and you know what?  They really do.  If you're looking for a charity to donate too this year, or a way to volunteer your time, consider them. 




  1. My mom had hospice care for the last week of her life. The nurse they sent was so wonderful. She truly cared about her patients. We did not get the time we wished, but I remember her crying with us, helping with arrangements, etc.. I am not sure what I would have done if she hadn't been there.

  2. Beautiful post, Megan. Amazing that zeitgeist thing with us posting on a similar theme today.

    I hope caring is in the air and that it continues to spread!

    xo Barbara

  3. We had palliative care nurses come into my parents' home when Mom was dying of cancer. She said they were angels, and we felt the same. They made her feel she was in the best possible caring hands without having to leave the comfort and security of her own bed. Our appreciation for the service they provided is boundless. They made a difficult and painful time less so by helping us avoid the hospital.

  4. I agree with this, while my MIL wasn't able to stay in her own home, I think she was very comfortable in ours, and much better off than in a hospital alone.

  5. I love the "Pants on the Ground" lyrics over on your Youtube site. That guy could cheer up anyone, even at a hospice.


My Dad. He's awesome.

John Messina, Personal Injury Attorney

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